Saturday, May 15, 2010

Well hello there friends,  I hope you've had a wonderful mid May week!
Yesterday was my last day of work at the PT clinic for the summer.
The other afternoon my boss asked me into his office for a talk to set in stone my coming back in the fall, saying how he thought I was a great worker and that they wanted me to continue working there. What? Yes! Woo hoo, they like me! They really really like me! On top of being promised a job after a 2 1/2 month hiatus he also bought breakfast for the entire office in honor of it being my last day. A co worker mentioned how that hasn't happened before. At least not for someone who was going to come back. I was and am so honored to work with such a fantastic team of people.
Who would have thought that this "random" job I got hired for would turn into something like this.
Now, do I want to be a physical therapist? No. Do I want to be a physical therapists assistant? No.
Would I like to even work in the medical field? No. But but but I couldn't be more grateful for the situation God placed me in. I never in a million years could have chosen this and that's why it has been the most pleasant surprise.
When I moved to Memphis I hardly knew people and was frankly scared it may never happen. With the kindness of the girl techs, I've grown close to them {Sarah and Nicol} and I must say my heart is lighter. Even the interns we've had over the past year have been wonderful, I'd like it say they are honest friendships.
Though I'm sad to not see those people every day for a couple of months I'm in need of a break...something to break up the monotony in our lives.
As the trip is nearing we have to get multiple things done with the house. Off I go!
xoxo .bd
{Photo Credit: Fabio Bartlett}

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