Monday, November 14, 2011

Lovely Weekend

Good evening! I thought I should type up a little update before we settle in for the night...

Can you believe how fast the weekend passed us? It seems as though every week I wait patiently as the days go by until I can sleep in those few extra hours. Unsurprisingly enough, with all of the free time we're given to be with friends and spend time around town, the resting I longed for went by too quickly. Such is life...
The two of us spent time with my grandfather watching episodes of Criminal Minds and eating my mom's homemade cake on Friday. Papa is very good at dropping hints when he's in the mood for a little slice.
After treating us to breakfast on Saturday, we drove around town to do some much needed window shopping. Downtown Franklin was beautiful with the leaves falling and swirling as the wind blew heavy around us. Can you believe we got 40 mile an hour winds over the weekend?
Everyone was out doing early Christmas shopping as all of the stores were filled with bustles of people. We purchased a few less than extravagant items and headed back to be with Papa for the evening as we were staying with him for the entire weekend. While the men watched 'Saving Private Ryan', I crafted at the dining table with my newly bought glitter and ornaments.
To my mom,
If you find bits of glitter around the house for the next week, I am sorry. Maybe it will add sparkle to your life when you least expect it! This is what I hope you are thinking when you spot it on the carpet or possibly your spaghetti...(Who knows where that glitter fell!)
Any who, nothing too exciting happened unless you count all of our naps during Christmas movies on Sunday.
I hope that this day found you well! I'll talk to you soon,
xoxo bd
{Photo Credit: Keep-the-Glamour}

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