Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can you believe this week is over already? We're just a few days away from Christmas and I am left wondering how this month has gone by so quickly.
Last weekend we spent celebrating Adam's 25th birthday and hanging out with family. Hubby left the weekend with brand new glasses that are being shipped to our home, a tailor fit suit (oww owww!), and 3 gift cards for Amazon which he is completely obsessed with. We had a great lunch with everyone at the brewery in our own room! We chowed down on pizza and cheesecake which was so yummy. Thank you to Barbara, Joe, Aunt Beth, Uncle Jon, Tess, Jonathan, Mamma, Daddy, Josh and Amber....Adam was so blessed and happy to celebrate with you all!
Our plan was to leave on Sunday afternoon but it ended up snowing us in for the night! Missing a days work wasn't profitable but it kept us cozy next to the fire for a good 24 hours.
The week went well with not much to report but laziness and some Christmas shopping. As the sun sets earlier and earlier we don't get out of the house past dark it seems. Too cold, you know?
Yesterday and today was spent at the malls and Target trying to figure out the perfect gifts for those we love. 
The thrill of shopping to me is heightened because it's not just for our benefit that we buy something, it's the thought of what our parents would really enjoy. I should do this all year much fun!

I hope you have a warm and jolly night.
xoxo .bd

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