Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good morning one and all!

It is a beautiful Saturday and I am sitting at a local coffee shop, Republic trying to catch up on things while hubby takes his first final of the semester. He graduates one week from tomorrow! 
I'll post later with more info on all of the things that have been going on in our lives but wanted a quick update for now.
I promise that we're still living even though I took a break from blogging.
My parents visited almost a month ago and since they left I have been packing up our house. 
At first I made a list of the rooms/ tasks I needed to tackle before any others and successfully did so!
Our guest room went from this:
To this:

I now call it our moving room. Believe it or not I have an entire system that is color coated.
This is going to be the smoothest move ever, dadgummit!
Between the two of us, we have collectively moved 20+ times. We have become pros at purging items every few months which has since made it easier to pack. With the next week off of work to do nothing but pack I hope to have a few free moments to blog.

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday full of relaxation and productivity!
Talk to you soon,

Xoxo .bd

{Photo Credits: 1 , 2&3 c/o Betsy Davis}