Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moving Along

Hi all! I haven’t written one teensy post in over a month! May I say it has been quite a busy month!
I feel like there are so many things to update that I don’t know where to start. Luckily, I do have pictures to show.

At the very end of April, Adam found out that he would be starting as a partner at a firm in Columbia in two weeks from that time. He was and is elated to have a wonderful job opportunity offered to him. God so completely opened up the doors for the entire situation! Being that he would be working in Columbia, quite a way from where we currently live, we knew a move was in the works. Cue the scouring of craigslist and rent.com. Within a couple of weeks we finally found the cutest 2 bedroom 2.5 bath condo filled with light! Now on to buying a car…
While living in Memphis we shared a car and throughout the past year we have shared a car but it had finally gotten to the point where we could no longer “milk it”. You know how sweet it is to live without a car payment? It’s oh so sweet…but it was a necessity now. We looked at many different makes and models but settled on a reliable Hyundai. (Or as my father-in-law pronounces it, Hi-Un-Day)
The mechanics at Carmax, where we purchased the car, even stated that if they were in the market to buy a new car, they would by a Hyundai because of how well they are built. Score for us!

Okay…phew! Two major items on our list are taken care of: Home? Check! Car? Check!
Now we must pack and get rid of the old to make way for the new.
I am quite a fan of packing as it is one of the best forms of therapy for me. Give me a few hours and I will have accomplished a lot. Not much of a pack rat, I am not weary of throwing or giving away items or cleaning!

Washing out the refrigerator! You are very welcome to the intimate view of what we eat!
Our extra bedroom/Adam's office became our "just put it in there and we'll deal with it later" room. As you can see, we've masked that well....or maybe not so well. 

A very sweet part of packing up your things is the time you get to spend reminiscing about old photos and little trinkets. Note the family portrait above circa 1989. My brother, Josh, was ever so ahead of the times with his bow tie. Killin' it since '87.
Can you see that I semi nipped that mess of a room in the bud? Believe me, it got much much worse...oh the joys of moving.
The packing continued as did the mess in our kitchen...we have been without "real plates" for what seems like ages. 

He's a trooper! Wrapping up pictures for us and watching movies.
You might be wondering why I included a picture of a dumpster in the post. (Or maybe you're not, maybe you just chock it up to, "Well, that's Betsy". Actually that fine structure held a couple of handy boxes which now house books, pantry food and household items. 
Moving day finally came and went. We tend to choose the best times of year to pack it up...you know, like, the hottest weekend of the year. It's a good thing our family loves us, otherwise we would have been up a creek without a paddle. 

Once we found out about moving I high tailed it to the store for my long awaited label maker. Box of Xbox games? Labled. Quinoa in the pantry? You'll never have to wonder what it is again! What about that gray box in the closet? Oh that's Christmas decor, my friend...as stated by the label! I kind of went nuts. Judge me if you must.
No I am not a minimalist. That kitchen is empty, folks. Bare bones. Naked. Not even a spoon left stuck in a drawer...
So we have now moved out of our house but are sort of in a limbo. Our new condo won’t be available until June 1st thus we have rented a storage until for about 5 days and are currently staying with my parents. 
The house is completely bare with only the task of spack'ling holes left to tackle this evening.
We are on to bigger and better things not to mention a newer AC unit. Praise the heavens.